What is the definition of the word sedition?

What is the definition of the word sedition?

Legal Definition of sedition. : the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction — compare criminal syndicalism, sabotage.

What does seditions mean KJV?

KJV Dictionary Definition: sedition. sedition. SEDI”TION, n. L. seditio. The sense of this word is the contrary of that which is naturally deducible from sedo, or sedeo, denoting a rising or raging, rather than an appeasing. But to set is really to throw down, to drive, and sedition may be a setting or rushing together.

What does seditious mean?

Definition of seditious. 1 : disposed to arouse or take part in or guilty of sedition. 2 : of, relating to, or tending toward sedition. —.

What is another word for seditionist?

other words for seditionist. guerrilla. insurgent. opponent. rioter. secessionist. separatist. agitator. anarchist.

What is the punishment for sedition?

Punishment for sedition is imprisonment for life and fine, or imprisonment for 3 years and fine, or fine.

What is the difference between treason and Sedition?

Treason is the violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one’s state. Sedition is encouraging one’s fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one’s country by aiding and abetting another state.

Is sedition illegal in the US?

Governments have made sedition illegal since time immemorial. The precise acts that constitute sedition have varied. In the United States, Congress in the late eighteenth century believed that government should be protected from “false, scandalous and malicious” criticisms.