What is Bernard de Ventadour known for?

What is Bernard de Ventadour known for?

Bernard de Ventadour, also called Bernart de Ventadorn, (born before 1152, Limousin province, Aquitaine [now in France]—died 1195?, Dalon), Provençal troubadour whose poetry is considered the finest in the Provençal language. Bernard is known to have traveled in England in 1152–55.

Where was Bernart de Ventadorn born?

Moustier-Ventadour, FranceBernart de Ventadorn / Place of birthMoustier-Ventadour is a commune in the Corrèze department in central France. Wikipedia

When was Bernart de Ventadorn born?

1135Bernart de Ventadorn / Date of birth
According to tradition, Bernart was born sometime around 1135 in Ventadorn castle (hence the “de Ventadorn,” which is not properly a last name) in the south of France.

Which work was written by Bernart de Ventadorn?

Bernart de Ventadorn was a twelfth-century Catalan poet and troubador. These forty-one poems, filled with nostalgia, joy, and tenderness, were written between 1150 and 1180.

Can vei la Lauzeta mover language?

Can vei la lauzeta mover (PC 70.43) is a song written in the Occitan language by Bernart de Ventadorn, a 12th-century troubadour. It is among both the oldest and best known of the troubadour songs. Both the lyrics and the melody of the song survive, in variants from three different manuscripts.

What did bernart de Ventadorn do?

Bernart de Ventadorn (also Bernard de Ventadour or Bernat del Ventadorn; 1135–1194) was a prominent troubadour of the classical age of troubadour poetry. Now thought of as “the Master Singer” he developed the cançons into a more formalized style which allowed for sudden turns.

Where is Ventadorn?

When Guilhem was one of the most powerful rulers in Europe, Ventadorn was one of the most impressive and impregnable castles, located in Limousin, between Clermont-Ferrand and the Dordogne Valley.

Can vei la Lauzeta mover country of origin?

Is Can vei la Lauzeta mover strophic?

The melody is generally more closely allied with the poetic metrics and also it is generally organized in a strophic form – that is, every verse of poetry is set to the same music. The final verse, known as the tornada, is shorter than the others and uses only a portion of the music.

What genre is can Vei La Lauzeta mover?

ClassicalCan vei la lauzeta mover / Genre

What genre is can Vei La Lauzeta?

Can vei la Lauzeta mover year?

1989Can vei la lauzeta mover / Released