What is a periodontal therapist?
Periodontal therapy includes both surgical and non-surgical techniques to restore health to the tissues that support the teeth (gums and bone) and prevent tooth loss. They include: Scaling and Root Planing. These deep-cleaning techniques are the best starting point to control gum disease.
What are the different phases of periodontal therapy?
Principally the comprehensive periodontal therapy can be divided into four main phases: phase I. initial or cause related therapy, phase II. surgical therapy, phase III. periodontal reconstruction, and phase IV.
What is active non-surgical periodontal therapy?
These symptoms may be a sign of gum disease, which can often be treated with active periodontal therapy (APT). APT is a non-surgical procedure which aims plaque and calculus deposits from the tooth and root surface. APT can be performed under local anaesthetic over one or two appointments.
What does periodontal treatment involve?
The procedure involves lifting the gums off of the teeth to remove tartar buildup. After the surgeon has cleaned the area and removed the tartar, they will stitch the gums into place to fit around the teeth. Sometimes, the bone may require reshaping during this procedure.
Is periodontal treatment worth it?
Yes, periodontics is worth it. Not only does periodontics fight gum disease, but it can save or restore your smile so you feel confident. If left untreated, gum disease can cause: Bone loss.
Is a surgical periodontal treatment?
Surgical Periodontal Therapy is the re-contouring of gum and bone to decrease the risk of further periodontal disease. Surgical procedures are designed to either remove diseased gum and bone for better cleaning access or to build missing tissue back to a healthier state.
What is aggressive periodontitis?
Aggressive periodontitis is a destructive disease characterized by the following: the involvement of multiple teeth with a distinctive pattern of periodontal tissue loss; a high rate of disease progression; an early age of onset; and the absence of systemic diseases.
Does periodontal disease ever go away?
Periodontal disease (infection of the gum tissue and bones surrounding teeth) is an increasing health risk which will not go away by itself, but requires professional treatment.
Can periodontitis be fixed?
Periodontitis can only be treated but cannot be cured. Gingivitis, on the other hand, can be prevented by maintaining proper oral hygiene practices and visiting the dentist for checkups and exams.
Which is the best treatment for periodontal disease?
Emerging evidence of possible perio-systemic links further reinforces the need for good periodontal health. In the private practice setting, the treatment of patients with periodontal disease is best accomplished within the structure of a uniform and consistent Peri- odontal Treatment Protocol (PTP).
What is the objective of supportive periodontal therapy ( SPT )?
The objective of SPT is to maintain improvements made by the active periodontal treatment and to minimise recurrence of the disease. Research has demonstrated that patients who attended SPT, as advised by the periodontist, had considerably less tooth loss and significantly reduced pocket depths than patients who failed to attend.
When to move to surgical phase of periodontal treatment?
If the more conservative treatments weren’t effective, treatments will move into the surgical phase. This will likely happen if the pockets of infection or plaque and tartar are too deep to clean. This phase will be assessed somewhere between four and eight weeks after the initial treatment.
What does non-surgical periodontal therapy do for You?
With non-surgical periodontal therapy, many patients can be treated and maintained without the need for surgical intervention. Non- surgical periodontal therapy includes localized or generalized scaling and root planing, the use of antimicrobials and ongoing periodontal maintenance.