What does jive mean slang?
1 : to say foolish, deceptive, or unserious things to (someone) He’s jiving you. 2 : swing sense 5. intransitive verb. 1 : to talk in a foolish, deceptive, or unserious way : to talk jive (see jive entry 1 sense 1) He’s just jiving.
Is the word Jive or jibe?
Jive means either a type of music or loose, meaningless chatter. Jibe means to be in accord; agree. To confuse matters, jibe also means to shift your sail from one side of the vessel to the other (sometimes spelled gybe). For common usage, though, remember “jive” as a type of music and “jibe” as agreeing with.
Is Jiber a word?
Yes, jiber is in the scrabble dictionary.
Is it OK to say jive?
In the case of “jive,” the incorrect usage is so common that the American Heritage Dictionary has added the definition “to be in accord” after its other definitions of the word. The dictionary adds an important note about the usage, however, acknowledging that “jive” is often used where “jibe” should be.
What is another word for Jive?
What is another word for jive?
insincere | hypocritical |
dissembling | deceitful |
lying | faithless |
dishonest | hollow |
treacherous | untruthful |
How do you use the word jive?
When used in the phrase “jive turkey,” jive is an intensifier/modifier that increases the generally insulting cast of the word “turkey”—a dud, loser, or inept person—to “a lying dud, loser, or inept person.” When jive is otherwise used to modify, however, as in “jive language,” it refers to the inventive, highly …
Is Jive an insult?
Turkeys are known to gobble, adding to the sense of jive, and have been variously used to insult someone as “dull” or “worthless.” The insult jive turkey also appeared on popular 1970s-1980s sitcoms, such as The Jeffersons.
Does jibe mean agree?
To jibe with someone is to agree with them. Jibe can also mean “be compatible with or similar to.” If two people jibe, they get along quite well.
What does giber mean?
: to utter taunting words. transitive verb. : to deride or tease with taunting words boxers gibing each other before a fight.
What does jibber mean?
jibbed, jib·bing, jibs. 1. To stop short and turn restively from side to side; balk. 2. To perform tricks by jumping onto and maneuvering over fixed obstacles such as railings or platforms.
What is the opposite of jive?
Opposite of characterized by a lack of sincerity. artless. candid.
What is jive in Tagalog?
Translation for word Jive in Tagalog is : daldal.
Does this jive or jibe?
Jive is a more common variant of jibe than gibe is. This word (which may mean “glib, deceptive, or foolish talk” or several other things) began appearing in print in the late 1920s and waited little more than a decade before it started being used in the sense “in accord with; agrees with.”.
When did people start to use the word jibe?
People began confusing jive and jibe almost immediately after jive entered our language in the late 1920s. In particular, jive is often used as a variant for the sense of jibe meaning “agree,” as in “that doesn’t jive with my memory of what happened.” This use of jive, although increasingly common, is widely considered to be an error.
What does the word jibe mean in sailing?
In the context of sailing, it refers to a method of steering that involves moving the sail into the wind so that the stern of the boat moves. Henry learning to jibe from a veteran seaman he worked with on a fishing boat one summer. Other times, jibe means to agree or be in accord.
When did the word jive start to be used?
This word (which may mean “glib, deceptive, or foolish talk” or several other things) began appearing in print in the late 1920s and waited little more than a decade before it started being used in the sense “in accord with; agrees with.” The American leaguers had a headache in making their line-up.