What is phenomenology according to Hegel?
Thus, philosophy, according to Hegel, cannot just set out arguments based on a flow of deductive reasoning. This is why Hegel uses the term “phenomenology”. “Phenomenology” comes from the Greek word for “to appear”, and the phenomenology of mind is thus the study of how consciousness or mind appears to itself.
What is Hegel’s most important contribution to philosophy?
Hegel’s major works included the Phenomenology of Spirit (1807; also called the Phenomenology of Mind); the Science of Logic, in two parts (1812 and 1816); Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1817); the Philosophy of Right (1821); and posthumously published lectures on aesthetics, the philosophy of religion.
What is right for Hegel?
The first sphere is abstract right (Recht), in which Hegel discusses the idea of ‘non-interference’ as a way of respecting others. He deems this insufficient and moves onto the second sphere, morality (Moralität). Under this, Hegel proposes that humans reflect their own subjectivity of others in order to respect them.
Does Hegel believe in God?
Hegel’s doctrine of God provides the means for understanding this fundamental relationship. Although Hegel stated that God is absolute Spirit and Christianity is the absolute religion, the compatibility of Hegel’s doctrine of God with Christian theology has been a matter of continuing and closely argued debate.
Which one is the thesis in Hegelian philosophy?
A dialectic method of historical and philosophical progress that postulates (1) a beginning proposition called a thesis, (2) a negation of that thesis called the antithesis, and (3) a synthesis whereby the two conflicting ideas are reconciled to form a new proposition.
What is reasonable is real that which is real is reasonable?
What is reasonable is real; that which is real is reasonable. Variant translation: What is rational is real; And what is real is rational. Upon this conviction stand not philosophy only but even every unsophisticated consciousness.
Where can I find Hegel’s phenomenology of spirit?
Phenomenology of Spirit 1 Brandom, Robert, 2019, A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2 Forster, Michael N., 1998, Hegel’s Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 3 Harris, H.S., 1997, Hegel’s Ladder, 2 volumes, Indianapolis: Hackett.
When did Hegel publish the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences?
In 1817, while in Heidelberg he published the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, a systematic work in which an abbreviated version of the earlier Science of Logic (the Encyclopaedia Logic or Lesser Logic) was followed by the application of its principles to the philosophy of nature and the philosophy of spirit.
Is the logical side of Hegel’s thought forgotten?
Certainly since the revolutions in logical thought from the turn of the twentieth century, the logical side of Hegel’s thought has been largely forgotten, although his political and social philosophy and theological views have continued to find interest and support.
Where did the discipline of phenomenology come from?
Phenomenology as a discipline has been central to the tradition of continental European philosophy throughout the 20 th century, while philosophy of mind has evolved in the Austro-Anglo-American tradition of analytic philosophy that developed throughout the 20 th century.