Search engine position is an important aspect of every business and definitely a game changer for the most part. It all comes down to how many people are able to reach to your website for which you will have to make sure that your website has secured one of the positions on the first page or maximum the second page.
People hardly go further than the second page on the search engine. That only happens when they are absolutely unable to find their desired results. Hence, it is important for the businesses to manage their search engine positions on the first two pages to make sure maximum people come across their website.
SEO is what helps in managing your search engine position along with the quality of your products or services, obviously. There are many factors that are considered for SEO and web design is one of the major ones. Web design plays an important part in the maintenance of search engine position and must be given equal importance during the web development process.
Impact of a poor web design
Let’s suppose someone lands on your website in search of a product or service but the website is too complicated to use and he prefers to go back to the search engine page results to find another option with a better website. This is known as the bouncing and gives an idea to the search engines about how the user’s query was not satisfied on your website which is monitored by goggle to analyze the algorithm according to the user’s preference.
Following are some of the mistakes in web design which affect the search engine position
Unreadable text: Font plays a vital role in the readability score. If the font is too small or in an offensive color or a color which discomforts the eyes, the visitor is most likely to shut down the page. Always use the readability tool to make sure it is user friendly.
Unwanted automatic loud sounds: Unwanted sounds are extremely annoying especially when they are loud since these are counted as inconvenience and disturbance. No one likes to open a website and immediately get a loud noise playing since people could be in different circumstances. Try to avoid adding automatic video plays on your website and if adding a video is important then ensure it is on mute.
Pop-ups: Pop-ups are annoying and people definitely hate to open a website with multiple boxes popping up immediately. For pop-ups to be effective, you must make sure they appear after the user has engaged a bit. In simple words, you need to build trust with your reader before the pop-ups.
Large files affecting the speed: Images and videos of larger sizes affect the speed of the website. People expect the websites to load in two seconds or even less. If any page takes more time than that, the user mostly gets bored out and does not continue to engage anymore. The loading speed of a web page is majorly affected due to the files added on it like images and videos. Make sure to not add to many large files.
A great web design helps in improving the search engine ranking
A great layout of the website helps in its search engine optimization which improves the ranking of the business on search engine. There are many things in the web design that affects the SEO and must be carefully taken care of during the development phase of the website.
Your website must be the answer to the query. Not the platform to search further. Make sure it is concise and clear for the user to find the answer immediately without any further searching or wastage of time. The font that you keep on the website must be consistent and in the right color and size. It will help to improve the readability of the content. The user will be able to find the answer to his query if the content is easily understandable.
Do not add huge picture sizes as it will push back the content and the reader will have to scroll a lot to find the answer in the content. The answer must be immediately visible hence it is the best option to place the content on the top and then the pictures at the end. Make sure the pictures are not overshadowing the text. Also use this Plagiarism checker tool for your Content https://plagiarismdetector.net/
Consider white space your best friend in terms of the web development and design. Try to add ample amount of white space on the website as the frame of the page and the pictures you add. It will give a cleaner and more organized look to your website which is an absolute plus point from the reader’s point of view.
Another important factor is the right amount of text to be added on a single page. Do not overwhelm your readers and visitors with a concentrated page. Too much text in a small space will be hard to read and most of the readers would not even bat an eye to it. Add appropriate amount of text properly divided into small paragraphs.
Before making your website live make sure it is easily compatible and engage able on multiple devices and screen sizes. There are a lot of screen sizes in a single device these days and then the range of devices have increased as well including PCs, laptops, smart phones and tablets. The website must be easy to use on the entire website to improve visitor engagement.
Companies providing the best web designing services in Pakistan take care of all the above mentioned points to make their web designs excellent and competitive. These are the companies which develop web designs that serve as the benchmarks for other potential websites in terms of design, readability and search engine position. Do not worry about your web design being search engine friendly anymore simply by following the simple key points that are discussed in the text above.