What is the passing UPG in UPCAT?

What is the passing UPG in UPCAT?

In simpler terms, your UPG is 60% your UPCAT score and 40% of your high school grades.

What is the UPG of UP Baguio?

What is the UPG? The UPG (University Predicted Grade) is a combination of your weighted scores in the UPCAT subtests on language proficiency, reading comprehension, mathematics and science, and the weighted average of final grades in your first three years of high school.

What does UPG mean in UP?

What is the UPG? UPG, or the University Predicted Grade, is a composite score made up of the applicant’s weighted UPCAT test scores and weighted grades from high school.

What is UPG appeal?

fe Published Jul 19, 2021 7:19 pm. The University of the Philippines (UP) announced today, July 19, the UPG appeal cutoffs for new applicants. UPG or the University Predicted Grade (UPG) is the combined score of an applicant’s weighted UPCAT score (60%) and the weighted average of their grades in high school (40%).

What is the equivalent of 2.5 grade?

Grade point scale (1.00–5.00)

Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Description
2.25 83–86% Good
2.50 80–83% Fair
2.75 78–80% Fair
3.00 75–78% Pass

What is the highest UPG in UP?

UPG Computation A rating of 1.000 (highest) to 5.000 (lowest) is then given to a student.

How much is tuition fee in UP Baguio?

23,971 PHP (2011 – 12)
University of the Philippines Baguio/Undergraduate tuition and fees

What is the equivalent of 1.6 grade?


Grade Equivalent Meaning
1.5 90 Good
1.6 89 Good
1.7 88 Good
1.8 87 Good

How do I submit an appeal to up?

Go to the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) of the UP campus you want to appeal for and submit the following:

  1. Your Non-Qualifier’s Slip.
  2. Valid ID of the applicant with photo and signature.
  3. Letter of Appeal (may not be needed but be ready just in case)

What happens if your UPG doesn’t make the cut off?

If your UPG doesn’t make it to the campus cut-off, then there’s no point to screen you for the program. Thus, CHOOSE YOUR CAMPUS WISELY first; the course is secondary.

How to appeal for UP Baguio cut off?

If you are qualified in a certain campus, let’s say UP DILIMAN, but you want to be admitted to UP BAGUIO or any other campus, then you can apply for an appeal. The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) of the campus to which you made the appeal will make the request for your UPG to the Office of Admissions.

When do the UPCAT results come out in the Philippines?

If yes, congratulations because you will soon become a true Iskolar ng Bayan! The University of the Philippines (UP) has confirmed that the results of the UPCAT held last October 2019 have been released on May 30, 2020! This means you can now check the much-awaited UPCAT results for students of the incoming academic year 2020-2021.

What is the absolute cut off for UP Diliman?

UP Diliman then uses a deep selection parameter of 0.1. The absolute cut-off will then be 2.3 and this will be the cut-off used for students from underprivileged high schools and underrepresented areas.