What is a control code in orienteering?

What is a control code in orienteering?

A control point has three components: a high visibility item, known as a flag or kite; an identifier, known as a control code; and a recording mechanism for contestants to record proof that they visited the control point. The control point is usually temporary, except on a permanent orienteering course.

What Colour are orienteering controls?

On an orienteering map the following colours are typically used: Black is used for manmade features such as buildings and paths. Brown shows landforms such as contours and ditches. Blue shows water features such as ponds and streams.

Which marker shows a control point on an orienteering course?

(Temporary) CONTROL/CONTROL MARKER – a trapezoid-shaped marker (usually orange or red and white) used to mark features on an orienteering course, usually with clipper or control-punch attached to mark a control card as proof of arrival.

What is the best description of orienteering?

Orienteering is often described as the thinking person’s run or walk. This is because it combines trail running or hiking with map reading skills, planning and strategy. The aim of orienteering is to navigate between control points (also called checkpoints) marked on an orienteering map.

Is orienteering a sport?

Foot orienteering is an endurance sport which involves a huge mental element. There is no marked route – the orienteer must navigate with map and compass while running.

What does handrail mean in orienteering?

Handrails in orienteering are features that are you can follow just as easily. Trails and roads are the most obvious, but you can follow fences, streams, ditches, the edges of fields, and other long, narrow features just as easily. Following a “handrail” takes much less concentration than following a compass bearing.

What is fun about orienteering?

There are also a number of other obvious benefits to orienteering, such as the exercise of running for an hour or more, the inevitable increase in map-reading and navigation skills, the sense of accomplishment and confidence boost that comes from succeeding at something challenging, and the socialization and friendly …

What does an orienteering map look like?

An orienteering course is marked on a map with purple (or magenta) shapes and lines. The start is a triangle, the controls are in the exact center of circles (which are also numbered), and the finish is two concentric circles.

What is a control description sheet?

Control Descriptions are the black on white pictograms that tell you where in the circle the control is located, and Map Symbols are the 5-color symbols used on orienteering maps. Control Descriptions. Here is a site where you can learn about control descriptions.