Is Monoplacophora extinct?

Is Monoplacophora extinct?

Not extinct
Monoplacophora/Extinction status

Which animal belongs to Monoplacophora?

The Phylum Mollusca is composed of seven classes, namely Aplacophora (no shell), Polyplacophora (chitons), Monoplacophora (single external shell), Gastropoda (snails and slugs), Cephalopoda (octopuses and squids), Bivalvia (clams, oysters, mussels, cockles, scallops, and other) and Scaphopoda (tusk shells) comprising …

What is an example of Monoplacophora?

Monoplacophora is a class of molluscs. They have a cap-like shell and live on the bottom of the sea. They were well-known as a fossil group from the Cambrian to the Devonian….

Pilina unguis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca

How many species of Monoplacophora are there?

At present, 11 species are known. Most live at great depths and all are marine. Monoplacophorans are small and have a single, caplike shell, giving them a limpet-like appearance. A number of their organs (nephridia, heart, etc.)

How do Monoplacophora eat?

DIET. Monoplacophorans feed on bits of plants, animals, and other organisms.

How do Monoplacophora reproduce?

Internally the reproductive organs are paired, with females having a pair of ovaries and males a pair of testes. In both cases the reproductive organs are connected by a duct to either the third or fourth pair of kidneys (nephridia). This is how the eggs or sperm are released out into the water.

What makes Monoplacophora unique?

Monoplacophorans are unusual because of the combination of primitive characteristics that they possess. In addition to the single, cap-shaped shell, they have paired multiple organs, reflecting at least partial segmentation (metamerism).

Why are they called gastropods?

The word gastropod comes from Greek and means “stomach foot,” a name that owes its existence to the unusual anatomy of snails. Snails have a broad flat muscular “foot” used for support and for forward movement.

What are 5 facts about the mantle?

The mantle starts about 30 kilometers down and is about 2,900 kilometers thick.

  • of 06. Minerals Found in the Mantle.
  • of 06. Activity in the Mantle.
  • of 06. Exploring the Mantle with Earthquake Waves.
  • of 06. Modeling the Mantle in the Lab.
  • of 06. The Mantle’s Layers and Internal Boundaries.
  • of 06. Why Earth’s Mantle Is Special.

What does Monoplacophora stand for in Science Dictionary?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Monoplacophora, meaning “bearing one plate”, is a polyphyletic superclass of molluscs with a cap-like shell now living at the bottom of the deep sea.

Where are Monoplacophora found in the deep sea?

Monoplacophora, meaning “bearing one plate”, is a polyphyletic superclass of molluscs with a cap-like shell now living at the bottom of the deep sea. Extant representatives were not recognized as such until 1952; previously they were known only from the fossil record.

Is the Monoplacophora a gastropod or a limpet?

Extant representatives were not recognized as such until 1952; previously they were known only from the fossil record . Although the shell of many monoplacophorans is limpet -like in shape, they are not gastropods, nor do they have any close relation to gastropods.

What was the ancestral mollusc of the monoplacophora?

The fossil record does indicate that the ancestral mollusc was monoplacophoran-like and that the Polyplacophora arose from within the Monoplacophora – not the other way round; this could be reconciled if a secondary loss of shells caused a monoplacophoran body form to reappear secondarily.