Do you win if you make the 8 ball on break?

Do you win if you make the 8 ball on break?

If you scratch on the break you don’t automatically lose, the other player just gets ball in hand behind the head string. Likewise, if you sink the 8 ball on the break, you don’t win. You either spot the 8 ball or re-rack. Traditionally, 8 ball is a “call shot” game.

What are the odds of making the 8 ball on the break?

The data showed this happening 5.9% of the time (vs. 0.8% for a 1st-ball break). If you play under rules where making the 8 on the break is a win (e.g., in the APA league system), the 2nd-ball break might be a good option because of the huge potential payoff of winning on the break.

What is an illegal break in 8 ball pool?

(d) If no object ball is pocketed, at least four object balls must be driven to one or more rails, or the shot results in an illegal break, and the incoming player has the option of (1) accepting the table in position, or (2) re-racking and breaking, or (3) re-racking and allowing the offending player to break again.

What happens if the 8-ball goes in first?

When the table is open it is legal to hit any solid or stripe or the 8-ball first in the process of pocketing the called stripe or solid. However, when the table is open and the 8-ball is the first ball contacted, no stripe or solid may be scored in favor of the shooter.

What happens if you call the wrong pocket in pool?

You win the game when you pocket all of the balls in your assigned group and then pocket the 8-ball without scratching or committing a foul. 14. You lose the game if you: pocket the 8-ball in the wrong (non called) pocket.

What happens if you sink your opponent’s ball in pool?

Did you accidentally make one of your opponent’s balls in and you’re wondering what happens next? The short answer: As long as you hit your ball first and did not scratch, there is no foul. It is simply your opponent’s turn now.

Who wins if 8-ball goes in on break?

An automatic win for the player breaking, however, if the cue ball is scratched when making the 8-ball on the break, the opponent wins the game. Option #2. The breaker may ask for a rerack or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting.