How many calories is chicken lumpia?

How many calories is chicken lumpia?

Chicken Shanghai Lumpia (6 rolls) contains 14g total carbs, 11g net carbs, 4g fat, 15g protein, and 150 calories.

How many calories are in Chinese fried chicken?

Chinese Takeaway Crispy Chicken (1 serving) contains 20.2g total carbs, 19g net carbs, 12g fat, 14g protein, and 240 calories.

How many calories are in a single piece of chicken?

Chicken breast is a low-fat source of protein that contains zero carbs. One chicken breast has 284 calories, or 165 calories per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). About 80% of the calories come from protein while 20% come from fat.

How many calories are in a lumpia Shanghai?


Nutrition Facts
Calories per serving 261
Carbohydrates (g) 3.6
Proteins (g) 2.3
Fat (g) 26.4

How many calories are in a Turon banana?

Sweet Deep Fried Wrapped Banana With Jack Fruit (1 serving) contains 23g total carbs, 21g net carbs, 15g fat, 3g protein, and 230 calories.

How many calories are in Chinese takeout chicken and broccoli?

Chicken and broccoli is similar to beef and broccoli, consisting of chicken and broccoli stir-fried in a light sauce. However, it’s a leaner option than beef and broccoli that still offers plenty of protein. One cup (153 grams) provides 13 grams of protein and only 145 calories.

How many calories is Chinese food?

Many entrées have 1,000 to 1,500 calories (not counting the 200 calories in every cup of brown or white rice). Share or ask for a doggie bag. hen it comes to eating out, Americans love Chinese.

How many calories are in a chicken wing from Chinese?

Region: US

Serving Ingredient Calories
56.66 g whole chicken wing 144
0.02 gram pepper 0
0.04 gram white pepper 0
0.09 gram garlic salt 0