How do you write a good argumentative letter?
Students will:analyze the structure of an argumentative letter.identify the intended audience.make a claim or state an opinion on an issue.brainstorm and outline points of argumentation for a letter.draft a thesis statement that takes a position/states an opinion/makes a claim.
How do you start a convincing letter?
Start by using this: I want to persuade my audience to my purpose. Exchange my audience with who you want to persuade and my purpose with what it is you want to persuade them to do. After you have established that, ask yourself: Why? List the reasons why you want your audience to do what you want them to do.
What are the components of good writing?
Components of Good WritingTopic choice—choose a topic you feel passionate about. Main Idea—the meaning and development of your message.Organization—the internal structure of your piece—beginning, middle, and end—staying with your main idea.Good introductory sentence that draws your readers in and keeps them reading.