How do you reference a briefing paper?
The format for a briefing or working paper is very much like a book, with author, year, title, place of publication and publisher. However, if it comes from a recognised series, include the series title and number in round brackets after the title (American Psychological Association, 2010, p.
How do you reference a Postnote?
This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge….House of Commons/Lords PaperParliament. Year of publication (in round brackets).Title (in italics).Paper number (in round brackets). Place of publication: publisher.
How do you cite a Green Paper?
If you have read the Green or White Paper online, the elements you need to include are: Department (year of publication) Title of report/paper (Command Paper number). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).
How do you cite a website in endnote?
In Endnote, select References > New Reference. A blank template will open with the Reference Type set to Journal. Change the Reference Type to Web Page. The information you need for a web reference may vary depending on the referencing style you are using.
How do you cite Oscola’s policy paper?
When citing a command paper, begin the citation with the name of the department or other body that produced the paper, and then give the title of the paper in italics, followed by the command paper number and the year in brackets.