How do you fix the cursor in Google Docs?

How do you fix the cursor in Google Docs?

This is a common problem when using Google Docs. The problem is that your curser seems to be one place and the text you are editing is in a diffrent place. The problem is that you are zoomed in or out. You must press ctrl-0 to return the zoom to default.

How do you fix page break in Google Docs?

How to Add or Remove Page Breaks in Google DocsClick Insert after you’ve placed your cursor where you want to insert a page break.Select Break.Click Page break.Click backspace to remove a page break if you didn’t mean to place it there.

Where is margin in Google Docs?

Navigate to Google Docs and open a new or existing document. Select File > Page setup. Under Margins, set the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins to whatever you want.

How do I change inches to cm in Google Docs?

Click the gear icon in the top-right corner; click “Document Settings” and change your language to “English (UK).” Click “Save Changes” to switch your ruler from inches to centimeters.

How do you set Google Docs to double space?

How to double space on Google Docs using the toolbarHighlight text.Click the line spacing icon in the toolbar > choose “Double”

Why is my Google Doc double spacing?

There could be multiple reasons someone may think they want to set the double space distance in Google Docs. Maybe the lines in the document are already too close together. Maybe the space between paragraphs is too large.

How do you double space?

To double-space the whole document, go to Design > Paragraph Spacing, and choose Double. Tip: To double-space only part of the document, select the paragraphs you want to change, go to Home > Line and Paragraph Spacing, and choose 2.0.

How do I save a Google Doc?

If you need to save a document somewhere different on an Android phone, tap More (3 dots in a row), then tap Make a copy (the icon shows sheets of paper). Enter your title for the copy and choose where you want it saved, then tap OK.

What is a Google Doc most useful for?

Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format documents and work with other people. See our top five tips for Google Docs.

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