What is another word for zoned out?

What is another word for zoned out?

What is another word for zoned out?

off-guard unawares
daydreaming derelict
flat-footed inattentive
napping negligent
not on the job spaced out

What is zoned out in slang?

Stop paying attention, dissociate oneself from a situation. Also, engage in a mindless activity. For example, When Felicia starts talking about her ailments and her friends’ ailments, I totally zone out. This idiom also occurs in the passive, be zoned out.

What is another word for zoning?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for zoning, like: city planning, urban-planning, municipal planning, controlled development, administration, plan, and landuse.

Is zoning out is a word?

zone out in American English to lose awareness of one’s immediate surroundings or one’s cares or troubles, as variously from daydreaming, the taking of drugs, etc.

How do you describe zoned out?

zone out. 1. To lose focus or stop paying attention to something, usually unintentionally. The term can be used to indicate that someone has focused on one thing to the exclusion of everything else.

What does zoning out feel like?

You might feel like you’re just going through the motions of daily life, but not really thinking about what you’re doing. Eventually, you emerge from this fog with little recollection of how much time has actually passed or how you got through it.

What is another word for outer space?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for outer-space, like: cosmos, infinity, the heavens, deep-space, infinite space, the void, cosmic space, the universe, ether space, intercosmic space and the void above.

Why is it called zoning out?

What causes it? Often, zoning out just means your brain has switched over to autopilot. This can happen when your brain recognizes that you can complete your current task, whether that’s folding laundry or walking to work, without really thinking about it. So you go into default mode.

What’s the difference between daydreaming and zoning out?

Generally, “spacing out” means that you are not in the moment, or that your mind is somewhere else. Daydreaming is the most common kind of spacing out. It is generally nothing to worry about. But there are more serious kinds of spacing out that can be caused by a medical condition.