Which is the smallest number that when rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand equal 300 million?

Which is the smallest number that when rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand equal 300 million?

Answer: Rounding off means making the number equal to the integer that is closest to the number. We have to round off a number that wil result to 300,000,000. From the 300 million, we can understand the place values place the digits and on which digits to focus.

What is the smallest number?

Question 5 The smallest whole number is “0” (ZERO).

How do you use the Rounddown function in Excel?

This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the ROUNDDOWN function in Microsoft Excel….Example.

Formula Description Result
=ROUNDDOWN(-3.14159, 1) Rounds -3.14159 down to one decimal place. -3.1
=ROUNDDOWN(31415.92654, -2) Rounds 31415.92654 down to 2 decimal places to the left of the decimal point. 31400

How do you round numbers to the nearest hundred?

To round numbers to the nearest hundred, make the numbers that end in 1 through 49 into the next lower number that ends in 00. For example 424 rounded to the nearest hundred would be 400. Numbers that have the last two digits of 50 or more should be rounded up to the next even hundred.

What is 55 rounded to the nearest 100?

Here we will tell you what 55 is rounded to the nearest hundred and also show you what rules we used to get to the answer. Remember, we did not necessarily round up or down, but to the hundred that is nearest to 55. First, 55 rounded to the nearest hundred is: 100.

How do you round to the nearest hundredths?

To round to the nearest cent, nearest penny, or nearest hundredth, you will need to locate the hundredths place. Then look at the digit to the right. If it is 5 or above, the number in the hundredths place will be increased by 1 and all the rest of the numbers after it are dropped.

What is 609 rounded to the nearest hundred?

First, 609 rounded to the nearest hundred is: 600. When rounding to the nearest hundred, like we did with 609 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above.