What suture size is the smallest?

What suture size is the smallest?

Sutures are available from a size 10-0 (smallest size) to a 5 (largest size).

Which suture size is smaller 4-0 or 0?


# 0 4 0.400 – 0.499
# 2-0 3.5 0.350 – 0.399
# 3-0 3 0.300 – 0.339
# 4-0 2 0.200 – 0.249

What is the most common suture size?

Most commonly, you will use a suture somewhere between 3-0 and 6-0. Small sutures, such as 5-0 and 6-0 are used on the face. Larger sutures, 3-0 and 4-0, are best for areas where appearance is not of great concern such as the extremities.

What is suture size?

Size refers to diameter of the suture strand. the larger the suture diameter, the relatively stronger it is. measured in metric units (tenths of a millimeter) or by a numeric scale standardized by USP regulations.

Which suture is the thinnest?

Sizes. Suture sizes are defined by the United States Pharmacopeia (U.S.P.). Sutures were originally manufactured ranging in size from #1 to #6, with #1 being the smallest. A #4 suture would be roughly the diameter of a tennis racquet string.

How do you read suture sizes?

The size (4-0, 3-0 etc) describes the diameter of the suture strand. It is important to note that the larger the number prefix, the smaller the diameter of the thread. For example, 7-0 commonly used for facial lacerations in plastic surgery is much finer than 1-0 or 0, commonly used to close a midline laparotomy.

What is the best suture?

It is generally accepted that if one uses sutures to repair an uncomplicated laceration, the best choice is a monofilament non-absorbable suture. Monofilament synthetic sutures have the lowest rate of infection [2]. Size 6-0 is appropriate for the face.

How do I choose sutures?

The best suture for a given laceration is the smallest diameter suture, which will adequately counteract static and dynamic tension forces on the skin. The stronger an absorbable suture is, the greater its absorption time, and the greater its risk of causing a foreign body reaction within a wound.

What are 2 0 sutures used for?

Suture sizes and suggested indications for their use

3-0 & 2-0 0.2 & 0.3 Closure of thick skin, fascia, muscle, tendon repair
0 & 1 0.35 & 0.4 Closure of fascia, drain stitches
2 and above >0.5 Large tendon repairs, thick fascial closures, drain sutures (usually orthopaedic surgery)