What are the factors that affect the temperature of the earth?

What are the factors that affect the temperature of the earth?

Factors Influencing Temperature (With Diagram) | Geography

  • Factor # 1. Latitude:
  • Factor # 2. Altitude:
  • Factor # 3. Continentality:
  • Factor # 4. Ocean Currents and Winds:
  • Factor # 5. Slope, Shelter and Aspect:
  • Factor # 6. Natural Vegetation and Soil:

What is the main factor which influence the distribution of temperature?

Insolation is the most important factor that influences the distribution of temperature on the earth. Insolation is the solar radiation that reaches the earth’s surface.

What is the most basic control of temperature?

open loop
There are two fundamental types of temperature control; open loop and closed loop control. Open loop is the most basic form and applies continuous heating/cooling with no regard for the actual temperature output.

What are the controls of temperature?

The controls of temperature are:

  • Latitude (angle of Sun) – Chapter 2.
  • Differential heating of land and water (they heat up/cool down differently)
  • Ocean Currents.
  • Altitude.
  • Geographic position.
  • Cloud cover & albedo.

What are the 5 factors that affect temperature?

Terms in this set (5)

  • Latitude. The higher the Latitude, the lower the intensity of the sun’s rays.
  • Altitude. The higher the altitude, the colder the temperature.
  • Distance from the Sea. The surface of land heats and cools more quickly than water.
  • Wind Direction.
  • Ocean Currents.

What are the 3 main temperature controls?

The controls of temperature are: Latitude (angle of Sun) – Chapter 2. Differential heating of land and water (they heat up/cool down differently) Ocean Currents.

What factors affect surface and air temperatures?

The temperatures of Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere are affected by: solar angle and duration, atmospheric moisture and air pollutants, and. surface properties of the terrain and vegetation.

What is the most important control factor of temperature?

The Sun is the primary source of energy that influences any planet’s temperature, including Earth. The amount of energy received from the Sun is called insolation; the ratio reflected is called the albedo.

What is distribution of temperature?

The temperature distribution is generally shown on the map with the help of isotherms. The Isotherms are lines joining places having equal temperature. In general the effect of the latitude on temperature is well pronounced on the map, as the isotherms are generally parallel to the latitude.

What is the most important factor that determines Earth’s temperature?

How does surface temperature affect air temperature?

Solar heating of the Earth’s surface is uneven because land heats faster than water, and this causes air to warm, expand and rise over land while it cools and sinks over the cooler water surfaces. This differential heating is passed on to the air above by conduction which causes air expansion and changes in pressure.

What are the factors that control the distribution of temperature distribution?

The following factors control the distribution of temperature on the earth’s surface: 1. Latitudes 2. Altitude 3. Distance from the Coast 4. Nature of Land and Water 5. Nature of Ground Surface 6. Nature of Ground Slope 7. Prevailing Winds 8. Ocean Currents.

What are the factors that affect the temperature of a place?

The following are some of the more important factors which determine the temperature of a particular place on the earth’s surface: latitude, altitude, distribution of land and water, ocean currents, prevailing winds, cloudiness, mountain barriers, nature of the surface, relief and convection and turbulence.

What are the factors that control the temperature of the Earth?

Factors that Control Earth’s Temperature 1 Climate starts with the Sun. Aristotle was the first to attempt to explain weather and climate in his book Meteorology back in 350 BCE (Figure 1). 2 The greenhouse effect. 3 Greenhouse gases. 4 Other atmospheric components. 5 The first climate model

What is the main factor that influences the temperature of ocean?

The main factor that influences the temperature is the position of a place with respect to the sea. The sea gets heated slowly and loses heat slowly compared to land. Land heats up and cools down rapidly. So, the difference in temperature over the sea is less compared to the terrestrial surface.