What is another word for almost perfect?

What is another word for almost perfect?

What is another word for almost perfect?

near perfect all but perfect
as good as perfect close to perfect
nigh on perfect not far from perfect

What is a synonym for perfect match?

2 blameless, clean, excellent, faultless, flawless, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, pure, splendid, spotless, sublime, superb, superlative, supreme, unblemished, unmarred, untarnished. 3 accurate, close, correct, exact, faithful, on the money (U.S.) precise, right, spot-on (Brit. informal) strict, true, unerring.

What is a word for beyond perfect?

pluperfect Add to list Share. The word pluperfect comes from the Latin phrase plus quam perfectum, “more than perfect.” The Latin perfect tense refers to the past, while the pluperfect references “more than past.”

Which must mean almost the same as amazing?

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazing, like: astonishing, incredible, astounding, phenomenal, marvelous, wondrous, fantastical, prodigious, miraculous, stupendous and fantastic.

What is a prefix for perfect?

per- a prefix meaning “through,” “thoroughly,” “utterly,” “very”: pervert; pervade; perfect.

What’s a word for soulmate?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for soul-mate, like: heart’s desire, kindred-spirit, kindred-soul, one’s promised, true-love, companion, partner, alter ego, lover, confidante and helpmate.

When something is a perfect match?

1. Someone who is well suited to someone else, especially as a romantic partner. We’re actually a perfect match for one another, despite our differences in personality—maybe even because of those differences.

What is a synonym for a wonderful time?

What is another word for wonderful time?

idyll heaven
Arcadia Arcady
perfect time Shangri-la
arcadia ideal time
nirvana perfect place

What does the prefix ultra mean?

prefix. Definition of ultra- (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : beyond in space : on the other side : trans- ultraviolet. 2 : beyond the range or limits of : transcending : super- ultramicroscopic. 3 : beyond what is ordinary, proper, or moderate : excessively : extremely ultramodern.

What is the antonym of perfect?

Imperfect is the opposite of perfect. Imperfect comes from the Latin word imperfectus, meaning “incomplete.” If you have an imperfect knowledge of French, you might be able to order a coffee in Paris but not chat with the waiter.