How far is Tucumcari New Mexico from the Texas border?

How far is Tucumcari New Mexico from the Texas border?

The distance between Tucumcari and Texas is 338 miles. The road distance is 716.1 miles.

What’s in between Tucumcari NM and Amarillo TX?

The city at the geographic halfway point from Tucumcari, NM to Amarillo, TX is Boise, Texas.

  • Gruhlkey, Texas. City: Gruhlkey. State: Texas. Country: United States.
  • Tucumcari, New Mexico. City: Tucumcari. State: New Mexico. Country: United States.
  • Amarillo, Texas. City: Amarillo. State: Texas. Country: United States.

How far is the Texas border from Santa Rosa New Mexico?

There are 162.38 miles from Santa Rosa to Amarillo in east direction and 172 miles (276.81 kilometers) by car, following the I-40 route. Santa Rosa and Amarillo are 2 hours 25 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Santa Rosa, NM to Amarillo, TX. The halfway point is Bard, NM.

How far apart are Lubbock and Amarillo?

There are 113.61 miles from Lubbock to Amarillo in north direction and 124 miles (199.56 kilometers) by car, following the I-27 N and US-87 N route. Lubbock and Amarillo are 1 hour 44 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Lubbock, TX to Amarillo, TX. The halfway point is Kress, TX.

What is between Albuquerque and Amarillo?

The best city between Albuquerque, NM and Amarillo, TX to meet is Tucumcari, New Mexico which is about 30 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Newkirk, New Mexico.

What states do you go through for New Mexico?

It borders (clockwise) Colorado to the north, Oklahoma and Texas to the east, the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Sonora in the south, and Arizona in the west.

What cities does Route 66 go through in New Mexico?

Santa Rosa, NM, United States.

  • Romeroville, San Miguel County, NM, United States.
  • San Jose, NM, United States.
  • Pecos, NM, United States.
  • Bernalillo, NM, United States.
  • 2nd and Central, Albuquerque.
  • Los Lunas, NM, United States.
  • Laguna Pueblo, Laguna, NM, United States.
  • What towns are between Amarillo and Lubbock?

    The closest town to the halfway point is Kress, TX, situated 63 miles from Amarillo, TX and 59 miles from Lubbock, TX. It would take 1 hour 8 mins to go from Amarillo to Kress and 1 hour 5 mins to go from Lubbock to Kress.

    What city is halfway between Albuquerque and Amarillo?

    Halfway between Albuquerque and Amarillo The location closest to the exact midpoint would be Santa Rosa.

    What is the halfway point between Albuquerque and Amarillo?

    The city at the geographic halfway point from Albuquerque, NM to Amarillo, TX is Newkirk, New Mexico.

    Can you drive through New Mexico without being quarantined?

    Do you have to quarantine for 14 days in New Mexico? No. If you are just passing through, you do not have stay here. However, you do have to limit your exposure to others.