What is the XtraMath guy name?
David Jeschke
David Jeschke started XtraMath in 2007 to help kids learn math.
How do I get XtraMath for free?
XtraMath For the Parent: Sign up is free and easy and allows for multiple students. It offers different programs to meet your child(ren)’s needs. There are no advertisements on the page, allowing the student to focus on their math facts.
How do you get 100 on XtraMath?
Students only work on one operation at a time. Most students (of all grade levels) start with Addition and do not move on to Subtraction until they have “mastered” their Addition facts.
What happens when you finish XtraMath?
XtraMath says a student is done when they have completed all the operations in the program assigned to them. At this point there are two options: you can assign the student a new program, or they can stop using XtraMath for now.
Why is XtraMath bad?
In my experience, XtraMath is a so-called “educational” game which induces stress and anxiety. The “teacher” makes this face when you get one wrong and stares at you like you’re a failure. It may help your kids get more fluent in math, but at the cost of their sanity. Do not make your kids or students do this.
What does GREY mean on XtraMath?
A gray square means the student is answering that question incorrectly or is taking too long to answer that question. A white square means the student has not started practicing that fact.
Is extra math free?
XtraMath is a free web-based program focusing on math fluency. It’s also available as an app at the Apple Store, Google Play Store, and Amazon, but there you’ll pay a one-time cost of $4.99. XtraMath helps students practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Can I add a co teacher to XtraMath?
In our mobile app: Open the Edit class menu in the upper right and select Share this class. Enter the other teacher’s email address and submit. We will send the other teacher an email that allows them to add your class to their account.
What do the colors mean in XtraMath?
button in the upper-right corner of the report to pop up a key that explains the colors. Green means the student got less than 10% wrong. Yellow means between 10% and 25% wrong. Red means over 25% wrong. Blue dots indicate an incomplete XtraMath session.
Why is iReady bad?
But above all else, the iReady Universal Screener is a dangerous assessment because it is a dehumanizing assessment. The test strips away all evidence of the students’ thinking, of her mathematical identity, and instead assigns broad and largely meaningless labels.
Is XtraMath free for parents?
We love being able to provide our web-based version of XtraMath for FREE, especially now. COVID-19 has created a great demand for our program. Please donate today to make a difference in a child’s life.
What do you need to know about xtramath?
XtraMath® is an online math fact fluency program that helps students develop quick recall and automaticity of their basic math facts. Students with a strong foundation of basic math facts will have an easier time when they begin to tackle more advanced math, like fractions or algebra.
Why is xtramath not connected to the Internet?
Cannot connect to xtramath.org. You may not be connected to the Internet. Ensure that you are connected by browsing to other websites, then return here and refresh this page. If you are able to reach other websites, but unable to connect to XtraMath, email [email protected]. Please paste the following information into your message.
When does the xtramath premium program come out?
XtraMath is expanding for the 2021-22 school year! The XtraMath Premium program will offer even more: offline instructional materials, student rostering (including a ClassLink integration), professional development training, and more.
What is the purpose of the xtramath timer?
Xtramath is designed to help students transition from counting or calculating to recalling the basic arithmetic facts. The timer allows XtraMath to distinguish a recalled answer from a counted or calculated answer.