What is another word for run down house?

What is another word for run down house?

What is another word for run down house?

old house antiquated house
historic house broken-down house
dilapidated house former house
last house ramshackle house
tumbledown house

What is another word for negative environment?

What is another word for environmentally unfriendly?

detrimental damaging
harmful adverse
baleful deleterious
ill injurious
pernicious prejudicial

What is another word for damage property?

vandalism. noun. the act of deliberately damaging or destroying things, especially public property.

How do you describe a house that is run down?

DILAPIDATED, tumbledown, ramshackle, derelict, ruinous, falling to pieces, decrepit, gone to rack and ruin, in ruins, broken-down, crumbling, decaying, disintegrating; NEGLECTED, uncared-for, unmaintained, depressed, down at heel, seedy, shabby, dingy, slummy, insalubrious, squalid; informal shambly, crummy; Brit.

What are three synonyms for shabby?

synonyms for shabby

  • decaying.
  • dilapidated.
  • pitiful.
  • ratty.
  • run-down.
  • scruffy.
  • shoddy.
  • tattered.

What is the word for always being negative?

curmudgeon /kərˈməjən/ noun A bad-tempered or surly person. (pejorative, informal) A person who is considered excessively and disagreeably pessimistic.

What is considered property damage?

property damage. n. injury to real or personal property through another’s negligence, willful destruction or by some act of nature. In lawsuits for damages caused by negligence or a willful act, property damage is distinguished from personal injury.

What is it called when you destroy property?

Vandalism occurs when an individual destroys, defaces or otherwise degrades someone else’s property without their permission; sometimes called criminal damage, malicious trespass, or malicious mischief.

What do you call a person who always has something to say?

loquacious Add to list Share. A loquacious person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. Whenever you see the Latin loqu-, you can be sure that the word has something to do with “talking.” So a loquacious person is a person who talks a lot, and often too much.

Where did William Bernard Ullathorne take his name?

In February 1823, aged 16, he was sent to Downside, near Bath, where he was mentored by John Bede Polding, afterwards the first Archbishop of Sydney, who influenced him greatly. In 1823 Ullathorne entered the monastery of Downside Abbey, taking the vows in 1825, taking the additional name “Bernard”, after Bernard of Clairvaux.

What did John Bede Polding do for Ullathorne?

Ullathorne was given a translation of Marsollier’s Life of St Jane Frances de Chantal, which deepened his religious devotion. At the end of this voyage he returned home. In February 1823, aged 16, he was sent to Downside, near Bath, where he was mentored by John Bede Polding, afterwards the first Archbishop of Sydney, who influenced him greatly.

What kind of books did William Ullathorne write?

There is Bishop Ullathorne RC School in Coventry which is named after him. Of Ullathorne’s theological and philosophical works the best known are The Endowments of Man (1882); The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues (1883); Christian Patience (1886). For an account of his life see his Autobiography, edited by A. T. Drane (London).

What did William Bernard Ullathorne do in Coventry?

He then took charge of the Roman Catholic mission at Coventry, where he recovered his health and spirits.